For Help - Reach Out To Us

Chat Support:

Server Basket is just a click away. Reach out to us via our Chat System and connect with inquires, queries or grievances. We are available 24/7 to solve your problems.

Email Support:

Write to us at [email protected] and we will respond to your email at the earliest.

Phone Support:

You can contact us via Pone and use our phone support. Please call us or communicate via Whatsapp on +971 4349 4730 & +970 5052 03535. We respond to your queries at the earliest within the working hours.

Office Support:

In case of emergency, you can contact us directly at Server Basket office.
Address As Follows:
Office 207, Al Aswar Building
(Lufthansa) Opposite Business Bay
Metro Station Exit – 2
Sheikh Zayed Road
Dubai, UAE

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